The key word here is “yet.”
Already hundreds of gym operators are becoming sophisticated and making better data-driven decisions after launching Orbit4 in their facilities. The only people not using it are those that haven’t found out about it yet.
Count this as your tip off – most gyms don’t track cost of ownership of their expensive fitness assets. Orbit4 does all of that for you while making your operations more efficient and EBITDA much stronger.
It’s the first digital ecosystem that fully automates the entire commercial fitness equipment journey. For the first time ever, gym operators can use a bespoke asset management system that also automates the procurement processes for the future – all data driven via historic asset behaviour and cost of ownership.
CEO of Orbit4 Daniel Jones understand businesses need to tighten their belts more than ever and start making serious saving without cutting quality for their customers.
“The gyms that get ahead are those already thinking through the true cost of ownership of their assets, not just purchasing, but finance, asset management and disposal of commercial fitness equipment.
“Being smarter and making decisions using data is 100% the right approach. There are many benefits of Orbit4 and it isn’t just about saving some money. It’s about better due diligence, streamlining operations and changing the mindset of longer-term procurement processes.”
When products reach the best time to trade-in and buy new, the connected ecosystem auto- populates each quadrant within the dashboard with real-time quotations from suppliers, service providers and traders.
This smart, data-driven tec is saving gyms thousands, plus hours of early-stage procurement every year for the industry.
Just like the car market, people like to know the value of the assets so they know what money they have for their next purchase or perhaps budget for other internal improvements like new flooring and decoration for the gym. The WeBuyGymEquipment quadrant does this too – it provides an accurate residual value of the gyms existing assets at any time during the asset cycle.
Orbit4 is the umbrella brand and amalgamation of super-efficient time -saving platforms FitnessCompared, FitnessFinance, WeServiceGymEquipment and WeBuyGymEquipment.
The premium Orbit4 dashboard gives you immediate access to the live quotations for service contracts and new equipment, finance options and the residual value. The cost is £45.00 per month or £500.00 per year. With estimated savings of £24,500.00 over a five year period for the average size gym. More for bigger gyms.
Consider each stage of the asset journey; procurement, finance, servicing and disposal. Consolidate these elements into one platform with smart automation, huge savings, amazing aggregated partners and you have Orbit4!
Visit www.orbit4.org or contact daniel@orbit4.org to find out how you can instantly connect to your incumbent service provider to submit service tickets via the Orbit4 iOS and Android smartphone apps along with a load of other smart features that you can only get with Orbit4.